Our core team

We are a network of private investors who are active as capital providers and capital brokers. The professional backgrounds of our core team include former CEOs, CFOs, COOs, CTOs, members of the Executive Board, bankers and technology experts.

Dirk K. Reupke

Founder & CEO

Dirk Reupke has worked for over 30 years as CFO and CEO in industry and commerce in major international companies, before focusing on private equity and corporate financing as an investor, entrepreneur and consultant. Today, he heads DIA as Executive Partner and serves on supervisory boards. His experience includes both later stage and early stage investments. His investment focus is on technology sectors such as medical technology, power electronics, software and energy. He is an industrial business management assistant and holds a degree in business administration from the University of Göttingen.

Dipl. Volkswirt
Thomas Stratmann

Partner and Financial Advisor

Thomas Stratmann worked for over 30 years in the financing of medium and large companies. He has held senior positions in customer service, risk management, accounting and internal audit. He has experience with transactions in all types of financing such as corporate finance, project finance including ECA coverage, mezzanine and private equity in start-up and buy-out scenarios. Thomas is a banker and graduate economist from the University of Münster.

Dipl.-Phys. Dr. rer. nat.
Martin Detje

Partner & Industrial Engineering Consultant

Martin Detje is a top management executive with more than 20 years of experience in the PV, semiconductor and steel industries with a focus on plant engineering, restructuring and technology. He gained his experience worldwide, his international focus was in Japan, USA and India. He held various positions as managing director or board member and was MoB in Brazil, India, USA, France and Germany. He received his doctorat degree in physics from the University of Marburg and the MPI for Nuclear Physics.

Mag. Michael Stift,

Senior Executive Advisor

Michael Stift is owner of M&A Beratungs AG (Liechtenstein and Austria). The company operates under the brand NBB M&A Consultants, an international network of M&A experts with more than 40 offices in 20 countries worldwide. He is the European director of the NBB network. His business experience is based on his many years as CEO and COO and as a member of the supervisory boards of many companies. Michael holds a master’s degree from the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration and an MBA degree from the University of Fontainebleau.

Prof. Dr. rer. medic
Thomas Jäschke

Senior Executive Advisor

Thomas Jäschke works as a medical and business information scientist. He teaches IT security as well as information and knowledge management at the private university for economics and management. He is also a consultant in the health care sector with a focus on data security. In addition, he founded a number of companies such as today’s CompuGroup AG, Dr. Jäschke AG and is a member of the board of DATATREE AG. Thomas holds a master’s degree in computer science from the University of Dortmund, has a doctorate in medical computer science and has been a professor at FOM for more than 10 years.

Ulrich Piepel

Senior Executive Advisor

Dr. Ulrich Piepel is an ex-top manager and a strategic visionary in the areas of procurement and supply chain management. He has been responsible for procurement and supply chain management as CPO for more than three decades and has an impressive track record in implementing automation and digitization in procurement as well as in shared services, change and lean management. As CEO, COO, CPO and SVP, he has worked for several multinational companies and in many industries including steel, manufacturing, automotive, IT and energy. Uli holds a diploma degree plus doctorate in engineering.

Roger Zulliger

Senior Executive Advisor

After studying economics in St. Gallen, Roger Zulliger started his career as treasurer, portfolio manager and capital market transaction specialist at various subsidiaries of Siemens AG. In 1992, he and two partners founded the Accuro Group based in Zurich, which specializes in the establishment of financial structures. Roger has successfully managed and accompanied more than 100 transactions in the private equity sector and established XY funds for clients. Roger holds a Master’s degree from the University of St. Gallen.

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65189 Wiesbaden


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