About DIA Invest

We support you with financing issues!

DIA – Deutsche Investment & Asset Management GmbH – HRB 28429, Wiesbaden District Court, supports companies, entrepreneurs, management teams and owners in carrying out transactions and securing the financing based on equity and debt capital. DIA has a network of investors who engage us with transactions (M&A, Corporate Finance) through a mandate relationship. We realize the necessary equity and debt capital from among our trusted investors. Part of our concept is co-investment from our circle of partners. DIA is therefore an intermediary and co-investor through the partner network.

Our experience for your success!

Today, our transaction range extends from start-up support to corporate finance to time-consuming and often complex processes of selling, acquiring and merging companies, subsidiaries, business units and corporate values. With the experience of more than 80 transactions that have been realized in our partner circle, we guarantee our clients professional support throughout the entire process.

Our DIA partner circle consists of experienced former board members, managing directors, entrepreneurs and bankers. Our principles are “the customer is king” and “we take care of everything from one source”, but we also call in specialists on a case-by-case basis if necessary. Our backbone partners include NBB (M&A Advisors, international M&A network), ALPORA (trend and innovation analysis) and the Fraunhofer Institut für Silizium Technologie ISIT. In particular with Gerold Neumann is an experienced partner in the field of lithium ion technology is with us, who has already built up production facilities himself and can look back on extensive technology experience as CEO and CTO, as well as having an excellent network.

We attach great importance to sustainability, discretion, integrity, competence and independence. Our range of services is primarily aimed at renewable energies, medical technology and information technologies.

This is how you can reach us:

Klingholzstrasse 7
65189 Wiesbaden


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